Welcome strangers (for now),
Wow, my very first blog!
It's quite strange to write something when you are not sure it's going to be read by someone.
I've been told that you're first post is like you first encounter with water, scary but oh so satisfying.
Well, I don't know about the satisfaction part, but the scary part is alive and kicking ;) .
Hi, I'm Kelly, a communication MBA student, i live in Paris (you are all allowed to be jealous) with my husband. I am the most talkative person you'll ever met, and that's why i chose to study communication, i just love communicating!
I chose to create this blog all around the advertising theme, all around the world (I hope you get the blog name now).
In each post i will choose an ad from various countries and discuss it.
So without further AD-o (got this one as well?), let's analyse!
The first Ad i decided to show you, is for a Turkish Cheese brand named "Panda" cheese.
But check for yourself first:
Now, this is one angry panda isn't it?
What i love about this commercial is the second degree humor used in it, you look at the panda and he's face is so expressionless thats it's hilarious when he get all annoyed and start getting back at people who wont use "Panda" cheese. The turkish people do have a healthy sense of humor.
So voila, I am not afraid of blogging anymore, so it is true, writing you're first post really is like you're first water encounter, scary, but very very fun!!
See you all next week with a new country and a new Ad.
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