dimanche 6 avril 2014

Cultural differences

Today's commercial is a Chinese one. The marketed  product is a (really weird) board game.

Have you noticed the REALLY WEIRD? Of course you did, but only if you are not a citizen of China.

That what this post is about, cultural differences.

 If you leave in Europe or the USA or in another "western" country, you will find this commercial a bit crazy, somewhat scary and downright funny.

Funny, i think that was the Chinese marketing agency went with too. So you see, we are not so different after all.

One's man sushi is another man's pizza, driving is not only on the right side of the road,  Women cover their head in some places, and cultivates the art of sexy in others.

We are all different, our cultures and way of living are different, but imagine if we were all the same? Wouldn't it be boring?

Think about that next time you are feeling different or when you are feeling better than others, just based on the country they came from.

'Till then,

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